1.How long have you been collecting?
Going strong on 9 years and don't see any reason for it to stop any time soon
2.What do you collect?
3.How many dolls do you have?
Soon to be 62 ranging from 13cm all the way up to 75cm
4.Which of your collections are you the most proud of? Why?
Only have BJDs so pretty self explanatory
5.Which single doll cost you the most money? (Relatively and literally)
DollShe Saint in dark grey skin. Cost me near $800, no regrets!
6.Which doll line is your favorite to collect and why?
Any and all sizes, don't have one single favourite size no more. Once I was all, "only SDs!", but then things changed and yeah.
7.What made you want to collect dolls?
My first impulse to get one was that I found them wicked cool and simply wanted one for myself, then came the aspect of being able to paint, sew and do all sorts of creative things.
8.Which is your most wanted doll right now?
DOD Elf Ducan, but I'm hesitant about getting him home as I don't want the awe I have for this particular sculpt to deflate and this feeling of "was that it?". Perhaps it won't happen at all, but I'm content of having him wait, I can wait.
9.Which of your previously most wanted dolls do you have now?
Well, I'm more prone to stumble across some sculpts and go from there. Kindof impulsively gotten them home one after the other because something about them spoke to me, or, I had a particular thought in mind of this or that and found a suiting sculpt.
10.What is the most dolls you have gotten at once?
Was either 2 or 3, can't remember as it is a while back, but was pretty damn awesome getting to greet so many pretty new faces!
11.Which is your least favorite doll?
Don't have any, why would I want it around if I didn't like it? Seems silly to me.
12.Which of your dolls has the best story (in your life and in theirs?)
I don't really know to be honest
13.What do you do with your dolls?
Sew for, take pictures of, build props for, modifications, paints them. All the things!
14.Are there any other collections that you want to start?
Perhaps Azone at some point, but not yet
15.Which of your dolls would you most like to be? Why?
I just want me to be me and have them be them.
16.Do people know that you collect dolls/toys?
Most of my family does and the few friends I have already in the hobby
17.Does your family support your collection?
They do
18.What was your first doll/toy collection that you can remember? Do you still have them?
I vaguely remember having a sizeable collection of teddybears as a small child
19.Which doll started each of your collections?
DOD Homme Ducan
20.What is your favorite place to shop for dolls?
Here, there, everywhere. I don't have a steady go to place. But I do like doing business with Jeeryama from time to time and Angelesque.
Dress For Liam - Slow Progress Is Better Than No Progress
Seen as I had to sew tubing and everything by hand (my sewing machine is taking some sick leave) I came up with the brilliant idea of hot gluing ribbon to the steel wiring, tying them together and afterwards glue ribbons onto each hoop. Much easier, simpler and a lot less time consuming. I know, I know, it's kind of cheating, but I actually love the result!
Added some more ribbon in between to give the bottom hoop some more stability.
Also got a bit work put down with the chemise and bloomers, albeit not as much as I wanted, but it's coming together alright.
Got a single sleeve attached but not sewn together. Considering adding some lace to the sleeves to make them just a tiny bit longer, but don't know...
Will be getting home this lace to use around the waist and pant legs of the bloomers, and to gather the neck of the chemise by the use of ribbons.
Soon enough I won't be able to go much further with the underwear until said lace arrives in the mail.
Also got this petticoat made out of some organza, hope it will add just a little poof to the skirt that will go over it. Should be able to as the fabric is thin and light and shouldn't weigh it down too much. Will see once I get to the main one-piece skirt!
Dress For Liam - Humble Beginnings
Pumpkin bloomers
Long white socks
Hoop crinoline
One-piece dress
Spoon bonnet
Box/boxes for everything
Corset already made, bought secondhand, removed all of the decor on the front, dyed it in coffee, laced it back up and used purple grosgrain ribbon in the back.
Bloomers are currently being sewn together ever so slowly. The chemise will be made of same semi stretch, light purple fabric. Will either buy or sew some socks, not really sure yet.
The crinoline will consist of two hoops, really super simple, only want it to keep the skirt looking voluminous so don't really need more. Will be sewing a petticoat to drape over it.
The one piece will have puffy long sleeves, kept simple with not too much distracting decor, there will be pleated ruffles at the hem of the skirt. Will close with snaps at the back. Will be using this fabric for the dress:
The cape will be made out of white woolen fabric with a removeable hood and holes for hands to go through. There will be a muff made out of fake fur fabric with a sting so it can be carried around the neck.
Spoon bonnet already made and currently neatly packet away in a self made hatbox.
Will bring updates along the way, hopefully I will manage to finish all of this before Christmas!
Pumpkin bloomers
Long white socks
Hoop crinoline
One-piece dress
Spoon bonnet
Box/boxes for everything
Corset already made, bought secondhand, removed all of the decor on the front, dyed it in coffee, laced it back up and used purple grosgrain ribbon in the back.
Bloomers are currently being sewn together ever so slowly. The chemise will be made of same semi stretch, light purple fabric. Will either buy or sew some socks, not really sure yet.
The crinoline will consist of two hoops, really super simple, only want it to keep the skirt looking voluminous so don't really need more. Will be sewing a petticoat to drape over it.
The one piece will have puffy long sleeves, kept simple with not too much distracting decor, there will be pleated ruffles at the hem of the skirt. Will close with snaps at the back. Will be using this fabric for the dress:
Will either dye it in coffee or tea as I want it to have the air of being old even though it really isn't.
The cape will be made out of white woolen fabric with a removeable hood and holes for hands to go through. There will be a muff made out of fake fur fabric with a sting so it can be carried around the neck.
Spoon bonnet already made and currently neatly packet away in a self made hatbox.
Will bring updates along the way, hopefully I will manage to finish all of this before Christmas!
SD sized Spoon Bonnet
This spoon bonnet has been a project nearly 2½ years underway… I knew it was a long time ago I started drawing patterns, cutting out fabrics and all that jazz, but not that long!
Anyway, long story short, today I sat down, needle and thread in hand, and went to work. Some 3 hours later, give and take, this is what it all looked like. Gone are all the ugly seams (which I spared you from seeing in any pictures at all), hidden behind satin fabric, out with the glue gun to add plenty of flowers and bows. I’m considering sewing another one because, why not?
Right now I’d just wish I could find fabric like the one I’ve used here for the hat to make a matching dress from. Definitely need to make some dress or other to go with this!
Of face-ups and splurging
In the span of, well, not very long I've gotten 9 gorgeous faces painted, just like that. I've gotten my Face-up Waiting List down from 16 to just 7. I'm pretty damn proud of myself, those face-ups have been long overdue >>
So, getting the outfit to your left, just with a pink shirt instead of blue. Not sure who it'll be for, might see how it looks on Michel (cutie in the above picture wearing that dress) and if it suits him it'll be all his for eternity. Though I can't imagine a scenario in which he won't get to be one cutiepatootie wearing it, so yeah.
These are all the lucky ones. It's so good to finally see them with a bit of pink in their cheeks! Out of the remaining 7 still in need to be painted only two of them are really ready. Three of them are still floaties (I know there's a floatie up there among the lucky 9, but his body is on the way), one of those floaties have quite a few mods I still need to finish, and I don't know exactly when they will all have bodies. The remaining two are on their way where one should arrive some point next month and the other in December at some point if there is such luck to be found. But hey, soon they're all painted, on bodies and all there's left to worry about will be getting them all urethane eyes and more clothing, shoes, accessories and whatnot!
So that body I mentioned up there, yeah, it'll be a DC Kid boy body and with it, I really couldn't stop myself, an Akagi You Yue head through AlicesCollections. I already have a body from there and since the match was terrible for a head that should have been on it I thought to myself I might as well just do it. Ever since I saw that sculpt I just wanted him home, just because of reasons. I don't even know who he is, where he's from, only thing I have sown is his name; Soren. But it's fine, I'll figure him out soon enough, I have plenty of time before he's shipped on his way here.
Staying on the subject, I'm also going to be getting a SoulDoll Double boy body home next month. I don't know which of the 3 floaties will match but I'll find out, whichever one of them it is will have to be painted meaning one less on that waiting list.
And because I love spending money (lol, who doesn't?) I went and bought a bunch of clothing and some shoes for the two guys from LumeDoll who hasn't got anything besides pyjamas to wear, and frankly, I'm getting real tired of it. This is the fancy new rags they will come to wear, looking forward to seeing them in it and shooting up some pictures of the two, it's been much too long here that they last posed for the camera.
Also bought a few fancy bits from MoriTime on etsy, Norman needed some shoes to go with a most gorgeous dress from AyuAna, here being worn by Michel
And MoriTime had these most adorable blue satin Mary Janes and of course I had to have a set of clothing with them as well, that's only natural, right?
So, getting the outfit to your left, just with a pink shirt instead of blue. Not sure who it'll be for, might see how it looks on Michel (cutie in the above picture wearing that dress) and if it suits him it'll be all his for eternity. Though I can't imagine a scenario in which he won't get to be one cutiepatootie wearing it, so yeah.
30 Day BJD Photo Challenge!
Thought we needed some more BJD challenges, so made one!
30 days, 30 pictures
with each their theme or a thing for you to showcase in a photograph. Much like the 30 Day BJD challenge, just all pictures instead.
Day 1 - Meet the
Day 2 - First ever
3 - Size difference, smallest
doll compared to the largest
4 - In the nude, or body among
your crew you like the best
5 - Sewing/crafts corner
6 - First face-up you made
7 - Pile of blankets
8 - All the shoes!
9 - Hide and seek
10 - Exploring
11 - Current project
12 - Latest picture
13 - All the eyes!
14 - Profile
15 - Oldest doll
16 - Show us your couples!
17 - Latest face-up you made
18 - Shadows
19 - All the clothing!
20 - B/W
21 - Money
22 - Show us your art supplies!
23 - All the wigs!
24 - Glomp!
25 - Pull off a crazy pose with
your least best posing doll
26 - Newest doll
27 - All the props!
28 - Workout
29 - Sick
30 - Farewell
Feel free to spread this one around and perhaps link back here?
Have fun! :D
Pretty In Porcelain
Norman Benedict Carlyle
This little guy will be the baby brother of Theodore and Jeremiah.
Norman is a DollFamily-A Bach head that I got in their most recent event instead of that anthro bunny they were giving out. There was just something about the headsculpt that had me completely sold so of course I had to ask if I could switch the bunny for the head instead.
I wasn't really so sure about what kind of body to get for him to start with, thought of DikaDoll, RingDoll, DollLeaves, but none of them really seemed the right fit. Then I looked at DC and, well, always had a soft spot for their bodies and decided to get one from there regardless of the neck fitting entirely, it's easy enough making a donut out of apoxie clay. I'm going to be starting a layaway in a month's time at angelesque most likely and grab a pair of jointed hands with my order as well.
Already have his eyes home which are from Mako and his wig from FMD as well, have ordered the dress from AyuAna currently waiting on a shipping notice, and the shoes will be from MoriTime
I'll be sewing him a pair of bloomers to go under that dress so that he won't be completely naked under that skirt. Already have a pretty neat design in mind and why not also sew a chemise now that I'm at it.
Jeremiah William Carlyle
Big brother to Norman and one year younger than his older brother Theodore.
Jeremiah is a RingDoll RingTeen Amethyst and I've been wanting that sculpt home since the first day it were released. Just never had any real purpose to do so, to justify the purchase, so waited it out until now. He's secondhand and will therefore come on the old teen body.
Just gotten his wig from FMD home today and have had his clothing from AyuAna laying at the ready in forever now. I will have to order up a pair of eyes from Mako and shoes from rRabit else there isn't much more to it.
All three brothers will get to look alike, painted along the lines of a picture perfect porcelain doll, all dressed in lace and ruffles aplenty.
Hope to have them all three entirely finished before the end of this year and when, and once, that happens the trio will go by the name, Pretty In Porcelain.
Just some bits and pieces
I had thought this guy wouldn't be coming home for another 3-4 months at least until just recently. Was so sure of it even. Then a friend of mine linked me to a sales post on DoA and there he was, RD Amethyst, $200 under the original sales price and located in a neighbouring country. It still seems a bit surreal to me that he will be here already come next month, I don't think I've even really registered it in my brain yet just how lucky I am. That, all thanks to my friend, it's, man I can't believe it at all! Will be a lot of fun painting him just like his brother, Theodore. Already have his clothing laying at the ready for when he arrives, can't wait to see them both side by side ♥
Of course he will have the exact same hairstyle as his brother! Though the colour will be different from one another.
Been wanting this one for him since forever! It's just so cute and I couldn't resist as the top of it is exactly the same colour as his natural hair (anime boy, so yeah it makes sense that way sorta).
John Wick
Recently watched this movie and I don't know, I just really, really want to personify that guy into a doll. Found the perfect sculpt for the purpose as well, a SoulDoll Jan. I've always really like that sculpt since I first came across it but could never really figure out what to use him for so contented myself with simply looking. Until now. I find he looks pretty much like the guy John Wick and that nose!!! I'm a true sucker for noses and that nose there is no exception!
And because we can't have John dressed in anything but the finest tailored suits I'm going to throw all of my money at FreedomTeller. Already got everything picked out along with a few extra bits and pieces like a bag, gloves, and a watch. Oh yeah, he'll get to look just fine. Too bad they don't sell assorted guns and assault rifles because I'd definitely be spending every last penny there if they had had those!
Talking about clothing, just recently I got yet another dress home from Endless and I couldn't be more satisfied with my purchase. It's exactly like in the pictures but just a million times cuter in person! Funny how it's always like that when you can finally touch it. As per usual Derrek didn't fit the socks, but no surprise there as his legs are so thin, else everything is as should be. Have a slight Alice in Wonderland vibe to it if you ask me.
I need so much more clothing from there for this guy, he looks so damn adorable in it and it's really quite affordable too! Though just not when you want to buy every single piece all in one go xD
I've set myself an almost impossible task when it comes to eyes. I want to swap every pair of glass eye with urethane ever so slowly. It's a pain in the ass as the only doll eye maker I know of who makes urethanes in 6 and 8mm only takes pre-orders every once in a blue moon. I need two pairs in both 6mm and 8mm and I'm not exactly made of money as such and if I'm real lucky I will pass my chance at ordering those four pairs. I'd really like to find more urethane doll eyes makers who go all the way down into tiny little eye sizes.
Besides that I need another 20 some pairs of eyes, most of which will be from Mako and a small handful from DollShe as well. Glad I can get a few pairs home here and there and that it isn't something urgently needed. Haste is waste as they say.
I had thought this guy wouldn't be coming home for another 3-4 months at least until just recently. Was so sure of it even. Then a friend of mine linked me to a sales post on DoA and there he was, RD Amethyst, $200 under the original sales price and located in a neighbouring country. It still seems a bit surreal to me that he will be here already come next month, I don't think I've even really registered it in my brain yet just how lucky I am. That, all thanks to my friend, it's, man I can't believe it at all! Will be a lot of fun painting him just like his brother, Theodore. Already have his clothing laying at the ready for when he arrives, can't wait to see them both side by side ♥
Of course he will have the exact same hairstyle as his brother! Though the colour will be different from one another.
I'm entirely all too smitten by this wig, already have two of them home. It's just an all too adorable cut and styling!
And while I was at it I got a new wig home for Taffy as well!
Been wanting this one for him since forever! It's just so cute and I couldn't resist as the top of it is exactly the same colour as his natural hair (anime boy, so yeah it makes sense that way sorta).
John Wick
Recently watched this movie and I don't know, I just really, really want to personify that guy into a doll. Found the perfect sculpt for the purpose as well, a SoulDoll Jan. I've always really like that sculpt since I first came across it but could never really figure out what to use him for so contented myself with simply looking. Until now. I find he looks pretty much like the guy John Wick and that nose!!! I'm a true sucker for noses and that nose there is no exception!
And because we can't have John dressed in anything but the finest tailored suits I'm going to throw all of my money at FreedomTeller. Already got everything picked out along with a few extra bits and pieces like a bag, gloves, and a watch. Oh yeah, he'll get to look just fine. Too bad they don't sell assorted guns and assault rifles because I'd definitely be spending every last penny there if they had had those!
Talking about clothing, just recently I got yet another dress home from Endless and I couldn't be more satisfied with my purchase. It's exactly like in the pictures but just a million times cuter in person! Funny how it's always like that when you can finally touch it. As per usual Derrek didn't fit the socks, but no surprise there as his legs are so thin, else everything is as should be. Have a slight Alice in Wonderland vibe to it if you ask me.
I need so much more clothing from there for this guy, he looks so damn adorable in it and it's really quite affordable too! Though just not when you want to buy every single piece all in one go xD
I've set myself an almost impossible task when it comes to eyes. I want to swap every pair of glass eye with urethane ever so slowly. It's a pain in the ass as the only doll eye maker I know of who makes urethanes in 6 and 8mm only takes pre-orders every once in a blue moon. I need two pairs in both 6mm and 8mm and I'm not exactly made of money as such and if I'm real lucky I will pass my chance at ordering those four pairs. I'd really like to find more urethane doll eyes makers who go all the way down into tiny little eye sizes.
Besides that I need another 20 some pairs of eyes, most of which will be from Mako and a small handful from DollShe as well. Glad I can get a few pairs home here and there and that it isn't something urgently needed. Haste is waste as they say.
Buy all the things!
When the first rolls around I will be going on quite a shopping spree. First off, I will pay for some clothing's I've had on hold but because of some money related issues I had to ask for them to hold the clothing until the end of the month. At least they were in no hurry and more than willing to still hold everything for me until I could pay up. So, what will I be getting? All of this!
A DollMore SD suit and a cute little dress. The suit I'm hoping Joshua (AnS Bamboo) will fit into, if not, well, then I'm sure someone else around here are willing to take it off of his hands in a heartbeat! The dress will most definitely go to Taffy (4S Olivia girltoboy), he was the first coming to mind when I first saw it.
Some nice socks, Taffy will most likely get the pair at the top while Liam will get the bottom pair.
Ayden (DR X Chi) will be the new owner of the jeans, not really sure if he will fit the hoodie, but I'll see. If not, again, someone else will definitely grab it around here.
Lucas (XD Alva) wanted me to get him this so, why not? It's really cute and I bet he will be, too, wearing it.
Then I have a headless little fellow, Norman (DF-A Bach), and because I absolutely adore DCs bodies and actually find it suitable for him. Also need an upgrade for the one YOsd from DZ here and will go with their new type which is absolutely adorable!
Also need to purchase some wigs. Jessica (Supia Juah) needs a proper fitting wig, done since getting her home, glad I didn't get one back then as I've since changed my mind and he went back to she again. Taffy also needs that one gorgeous wig from FMD in the Mint Banilla, he must have it!
I know I haven't got the guy home yet, but Jeremiah, Theodore's (RD Crystal) brother, needs a wig whenever I get him home and thought why not simply order it along with the two others? Also going to order up his eyes because, why not have just about everything at the ready for his arrival?
And lastly, Jeremiah himself, a RingDoll Amethyst. Going to be painted like his brother, wear the same style of clothing and be just as much of a prettied up porcelain doll. Getting all excited because now he's got a name, I know exactly what to get home for him, how to style him and it's going to be awesome!
And lastly I'll be getting these two gorgeous bodies. The Elegance body for Evan (LittleRebel Svein) and the Proud body for Kaleb (DollClans Kien).
Besides all this I'm also going to be getting some shoes from rRabit and some more flower crowns from AyuAna. Generally more clothing from AyuAna because of reasons. And shoes. Need so many more shoes along with more varied brown eyes. Hoping Vings will be coming back, they had an array of brown eyes quite a few of the guys here could have used. A shame Mako don't have any dark brown eyes in their collection really, and the few pairs they did have I've already gotten home. Need to raid DollShe for brown eyes as well. Oh, and get some tiny urethanes for Huang and Zach (Lumedoll Tyl and Rischa) along with some 8mm for Luke and Gilbert (4S Minggu and BF PF Didi). Why be satisfied with cheap glass eyes when you can get something better?
All this makes me sit and think to myself;
I need a better paying job.
Of group pictures and future resin plans
A while ago I shot an updated 'group picture' of the resin family in all of it's glory. Sure, still a lot of work left to do, but I don't mind nor care, I love having all these little projects laying waiting for me whenever I find the time. That's how I like to do things, while others might be of a differing opinion. Anyway, shot a similar picture about a year ago, and do time change things around for the better! Not all are in this picture and are off for face-ups, mods, or plain and simple doesn't have a body to call their own as of yet. Two are entirely missing as I didn't spare it a thought before after, they're sitting comfortably in a chair near my computer.
After taking this picture I finally caved in and ditched my idea of modifying that dark beauty sitting right next to Merida. Jessica, Supia Juah in tan, who previously went by the name Kareem, wasn't to be a girltoboy project afterall, no, my mind wanted it much differently. She's to be some sort of traveller or refugee, not really decided yet. She will meet up with Merida and they will form a relationship. I've already decided on Jessica's outfit, a Kilt! She'd look amazing in one I'm sure and I found a pattern for cheap on etsy the other day, now it's just to find someone who'd be willing to sew it for me as I have zero time for that lately. That part is a bit sad, but it's life sometimes, and there are so many talented people out there who I'm sure would do a bang good job!
Else, my plans right now, what resin goes, is getting home a whole lot of bodies. Norman, DF-A Bach, will be getting a body from DC as I absolutely adore their style and I can't but stop thinking of how sweet he'd look residing on one of those. Gilbert, BF PF Didi, needs an upgrade from his PF body and will go up on a Pepper body instead. He just need to 'grow up' a bit more than his current state. His PF body I will probably put up for sale, thinking charging something like $80-$90 for it when that does happen. Also have this little guy, Mo, a DZ Jani, who's body I truly hate. It's engineered so very badly, he can't sit for shit without falling backwards, his knee joints are truly ugly, and for such a small body it's really nothing glamourous looking at in the long run. I'll be getting him a new body from DZ, their B27-001, one of their newer types which look ever so adorable and a lot more well thought out as well.
There are two more who's in need of a body, but for now, these three will be the main priority. The other two bodies needing home are both from SpiritDoll, their Elegance and Proud bodies, really love their resin and those bodies look absolutely stunning!
Will need to contact RingDoll about buying an Amethyst head separately. Don't like their sunshine bodies for such an innocent face and if I can't find their old type RingTeen body in WS anywhere I'll go with one from DF-A as I know their WS is a spot on match to that of RD. Will be painting and dress him up like Theodore and they'll be the brothers going under the name PrettyinPorcelain. Probably going to raid AyuAna for outfits now and then as they have such lovely garments in just the style they wear, How perfect is that?! No, but really, AyuAna are amazing, everything I bought from them some weeks ago still blow me away, all that lavish detail and the fabrics are all incredibly gorgeous! Really, do go check them out, support them, it's sooooo worth every penny! And they aren't even all that expensive when all comes to all either really.
Already have the eyes and wig picked out for him as well, already immensely excited for someone who's not even here yet and might not be for quite a while to come xD
I don't know if you've enjoyed my little rant up there, if it was even of any interest, if you made it all the way to the bottom eventually, but for those who did, here's a little bonus.
Jack Frost Came Home!
Been waiting for this day since I found and paid for his ticket home back in mid-January. Only reason for the prolonged wait was a set of clothing from Endless which are still not entirely finished and will be shipped to me once finished. Anyway, he's finally home, my little Jack Frost and he's everything on the official pictures and so much more!

The obligatory and traditional box-within-a-box

Opening up there was the set of clothing for Pitch along with a pair of shoes that will get to go with that dress I'm waiting on.

Underneath it all there he is, halfway a mummy, his COA and at his feet an event head.

And look see how prettily he sits there ♥

The event head, DF-A Bach, and isn't he just precious?! I already love that little face to bits even in it's blank state.

Pitch looking somewhat ominous here, sporting his new threads. So good seeing him with proper clothing instead of a linnen cloth wrapped around his waist.

Jack had to borrow some clothing and Taffy was as kind letting him wear this just until I have his hoodie and trousers sewn together.

And there's the happy couple, can't wait to have Jack painted and dressed up, being able to shoot some pictures of the both of them to really show them off to the world.
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A couple days ago I sat really wanting a dress for Merida. Like really, really , wanted a dress for her. I could sew one myself, sure, but b...
This is an old project of mine having been on hiatus for about a year now. Decided I would kick myself in motion again and finish what I st...
Jeremiah I had thought this guy wouldn't be coming home for another 3-4 months at least until just recently. Was so sure of it even. T...