So, just thought I'd give a small update of how things are going with the sewing and putting together and slowly having it look like something.
Got the piping sewn together and the steel wires put through them yesterday. Did start trying to put it together but that didn't go so well. Today I went at it again, got the hoops attached with a shitload of pins and attaching the waistband. Still need the little slip of fabric going at the top back of it (no idea what it's called even) and the small pillow, too. But this is it so far:
Also have the bag to sew between the bottom most three hoops, so plenty to be done before this is 100% finished and ready to be worn.
Also got a pattern down for a corset. Really simple to make, just wrap the torso in plastic wrap, then masking tape, then draw the various sections you want, cut it open slowly and carefully with sharp scissors, cut the parts out, transfer pattern to paper and there you have it. DoA's got plenty of tutorials showing the process I used here, so simple.
Need to see what I have of fabric for the lining, some satin preferably, and cut all the pieces out, put them all together with pins and have it ready to be sewn together. Can't entirely finish this piece as I need for some snap fastener clasps to arrive in the mail and they've only just been shipped. But I will sew as much of it as I can and work on a lace protector as well.
Next up: Crinoline and Corset WIP - Part 2