I got a bit creative and tired of there being no new BJD meme/questionnaires out there so here, 50 questions for you to have fun with!
1. Have your tastes changed in sculpts over the years?
2. Do you have pre-made characters for the dolls that you get home which must fit a certain description, or, do you get them home and let inspiration hit?
3. What do you do when you get hooked on a particular sculpt and want it home right here, right now but can't as you have to save or some other reason?
4. How many dolls are too many to you personally?
5. What are your thoughts on dolls with already pre-existing characters from movies/books/cartoons/etc.?
6. Acrylic, glass or urethane? And why?
7. How much does yellowing bother you? What is acceptable before you want something done to liven up that old yellow resin skin?
8. What are your thoughts on anthro BJDs vs actual animal BJDs?
9. How small is too small? How tall is too tall? Or does height even matter to you?
10. Do you talk with your resin buddies while painting them, dressing them, just because?
11. Do you have a doll you love but will probably never have because finances or impossible to get?
12. Do you have a favourite clothing company where you go and buy clothing and/or shoes from?
13. Your favourite pair of shoes you ever got home? Picture please!
14. Favourite accessory and, again, picture!
15. How many times have you had to redo a face-up in a day?
16. Ever sat screaming and cursing at your sewing machine? Or even if you've sown something by hand? Tell us a bit about one of those silly outbursts!
17. In the past year have you had to find homes for some of your resin buddies?
18. Have you ever made any miniature furniture of any kind or do you prefer to buy it?
19. What would you do if one of your dolls went green or banana yellow? Would you try and salvage the damage somehow by mods and the like, or would you reinvent their character?
20. Ever got two dolls or more home in a year?
21. Are there a certain theme going style/face-up/accessory/other wise? Or are they all fairly different from one another?
22. How much is too much to pay for a doll/how little is too little? And why?
23. Do you do mods? Show us some of your work! Would you do them on rare/limited sculpts?
24. Do you prefer getting dolls home blank so that you can do your own face-up, or, do you prefer to have the company paint them for you?
25. Do you keep up with the various companies releases, events and the like?
26. Ever hated having to cover up a body with clothing because the sculpting was absolutely divine and you'd rather just be able to watch all that naked glory for all time?
27. What is your favourite wig brand?
28. How many pairs of shoes do you own for your dolls?
29. How many wigs do you have for your dolls?
30. Do you have a favourite set of clothing? Do you own it? And if, picture please!
31. Do you have a favourite outfit you've made yourself?
32. Ever commissioned someone? And what for?
33. How many pair of eyes do you have, spare and in use combined?
34. Ever called in sick because of an incoming package?
35. What have been you longest wait? And the shortest?
36. Do you prefer shooting single shots or group pictures?
37. Do you prefer male or female dolls? 38. Ever had that one piece of accessory you could never quite find and are still searching for years later?
39. Ever had trouble settling for a sculpt for a given character and had to buy multiple sculpts home before finding that perfect one?
40. Do you keep a journal in where you write all of your doll related ideas and plans even if they wont always come to fruition?
41. Ever shot some naughty naked/nude pictures? If not, why?
42. What are the longest time you've had a layaway running? If you've never done one, why are you refraining from making use of this service?
43. Do you mind not being able finding a whole lot of pictures of a given sculpt you want home or do you like it's exclusivity?
44. Are you more of a share all the pictures type of person or more of a keeping them all to yourself and only share a select few?
45. How good are you at sticking to your plans if, say, you told yourself you only were to bring home one more this year and then go on a break?
46. What doll body is your favourite?
47. Who in your resin crew has gone through the biggest transformation since arrival?
48. Do you pamper some more than others?
49. Ever bought something (dolls, clothing, accessories) that looked amazing in the pictures but turned out to be nothing like it upon arrival?
50. What are your continued plans for this year?
- By MorbidDelusions