
Pretty In Porcelain

Norman Benedict Carlyle

This little guy will be the baby brother of Theodore and Jeremiah.

Norman is a DollFamily-A Bach head that I got in their most recent event instead of that anthro bunny they were giving out. There was just something about the headsculpt that had me completely sold so of course I had to ask if I could switch the bunny for the head instead.

I wasn't really so sure about what kind of body to get for him to start with, thought of DikaDoll, RingDoll, DollLeaves, but none of them really seemed the right fit. Then I looked at DC and, well, always had a soft spot for their bodies and decided to get one from there regardless of the neck fitting entirely, it's easy enough making a donut out of apoxie clay. I'm going to be starting a layaway in a month's time at angelesque most likely and grab a pair of jointed hands with my order as well.

Already have his eyes home which are from Mako and his wig from FMD as well, have ordered the dress from AyuAna currently waiting on a shipping notice, and the shoes will be from MoriTime

I'll be sewing him a pair of bloomers to go under that dress so that he won't be completely naked under that skirt. Already have a pretty neat design in mind and why not also sew a chemise now that I'm at it.

Jeremiah William Carlyle

Big brother to Norman and one year younger than his older brother Theodore.

Jeremiah is a RingDoll RingTeen Amethyst and I've been wanting that sculpt home since the first day it were released. Just never had any real purpose to do so, to justify the purchase, so waited it out until now. He's secondhand and will therefore come on the old teen body.

Just gotten his wig from FMD home today and have had his clothing from AyuAna laying at the ready in forever now. I will have to order up a pair of eyes from Mako and shoes from rRabit else there isn't much more to it.


All three brothers will get to look alike, painted along the lines of a picture perfect porcelain doll, all dressed in lace and ruffles aplenty.

Hope to have them all three entirely finished before the end of this year and when, and once, that happens the trio will go by the name, Pretty In Porcelain.


Just some bits and pieces


I had thought this guy wouldn't be coming home for another 3-4 months at least until just recently. Was so sure of it even. Then a friend of mine linked me to a sales post on DoA and there he was, RD Amethyst, $200 under the original sales price and located in a neighbouring country. It still seems a bit surreal to me that he will be here already come next month, I don't think I've even really registered it in my brain yet just how lucky I am. That, all thanks to my friend, it's, man I can't believe it at all! Will be a lot of fun painting him just like his brother, Theodore. Already have his clothing laying at the ready for when he arrives, can't wait to see them both side by side ♥


Of course he will have the exact same hairstyle as his brother! Though the colour will be different from one another.

I'm entirely all too smitten by this wig, already have two of them home. It's just an all too adorable cut and styling!
And while I was at it I got a new wig home for Taffy as well!

Been wanting this one for him since forever! It's just so cute and I couldn't resist as the top of it is exactly the same colour as his natural hair (anime boy, so yeah it makes sense that way sorta).

John Wick

Recently watched this movie and I don't know, I just really, really want to personify that guy into a doll. Found the perfect sculpt for the purpose as well, a SoulDoll Jan. I've always really like that sculpt since I first came across it but could never really figure out what to use him for so contented myself with simply looking. Until now. I find he looks pretty much like the guy John Wick and that nose!!! I'm a true sucker for noses and that nose there is no exception!


And because we can't have John dressed in anything but the finest tailored suits I'm going to throw all of my money at FreedomTeller. Already got everything picked out along with a few extra bits and pieces like a bag, gloves, and a watch. Oh yeah, he'll get to look just fine. Too bad they don't sell assorted guns and assault rifles because I'd definitely be spending every last penny there if they had had those!


Talking about clothing, just recently I got yet another dress home from Endless and I couldn't be more satisfied with my purchase. It's exactly like in the pictures but just a million times cuter in person! Funny how it's always like that when you can finally touch it. As per usual Derrek didn't fit the socks, but no surprise there as his legs are so thin, else everything is as should be. Have a slight Alice in Wonderland vibe to it if you ask me.

I need so much more clothing from there for this guy, he looks so damn adorable in it and it's really quite affordable too! Though just not when you want to buy every single piece all in one go xD


I've set myself an almost impossible task when it comes to eyes. I want to swap every pair of glass eye with urethane ever so slowly. It's a pain in the ass as the only doll eye maker I know of who makes urethanes in 6 and 8mm only takes pre-orders every once in a blue moon. I need two pairs in both 6mm and 8mm and I'm not exactly made of money as such and if I'm real lucky I will pass my chance at ordering those four pairs. I'd really like to find more urethane doll eyes makers who go all the way down into tiny little eye sizes.
Besides that I need another 20 some pairs of eyes, most of which will be from Mako and a small handful from DollShe as well. Glad I can get a few pairs home here and there and that it isn't something urgently needed. Haste is waste as they say.

BO: DikaDoll Pan NS