
Still alive and well

Damn it's been forever here that I last posted anything, but no worries, life happened.

Been my plan for so long to find a suiting sculpt and body for Sandy from RotG. Found it recently! A LittleMonica Jeremy who will go on a DollFamily-H chubby baby body. Getting the body in exchange for a sewing commission, the one I'm sewing for had a DF-H Kelasi who needed a good loving home, and hey, paying with resin is just as good as paying with money.

Soon able to send the last payment on a body for the remaining floatie here and no more floaties! Can't wait to have the body home and see the owner of said body on it. Really do hope it'll fit and will work out, but should, have checked measurements twice to make sure, but you know, you always have your doubts.

Also have quite a Frankenstein project on my hands lately. Got a Luts body where the hands and feet were missing. Or, the feet where there but on one of them the ankle part was missing, so it'll get a pair from ResinSoul. Hands will be a pair of jointed hands from DikaDoll. Will have an AprilStory Spring SE residing on it once I get string and s-hooks home. Not sure of who he'll get to me in the end, but it's fine when he's all in pieces atm.

Mr. NoName

Major Box Hoarder

BO: DikaDoll Pan NS