Incoming resin
- DF-H 1/3 boy body ver. 4 (56cm)
- DF-A Bach head
- DF-H 70cm male hh-feet
Resin I'm going to get home
- Supia Muriel
- DollZone April
- DollZone 56cm girl body (NB56-001)
These, only if there is the money to spare
- FairyLand Altis + SE head and extra body
- DreamRealm Bobi
Resin parts I need home
- SD feet and hands for an old yellowed Luts body
- Finish mods on DreamofDoll Kellan
- Nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, ears,lips
- Take some length off of Theodore's neck
- Modify girl body from DollZone once it comes home
- girl to boy modification
- See if I can rectify Hiccups unfortunate "sunburn"
- Make Hiccup a peg-leg
- *Ayumu - DiM Achernar
- Alexander - DoD Kellan
- *Pitch - DS Saint
- *Isaac - DG #12
- *Merida - AS Dana
- Hiccup - DT Hwan
- Evan - LR Svein
- Kaleb - DollClans Kien
- *Ilya - SD Keith
- *Jack - DF-A Wen
- *Jasper - DG #12
- Lucien - LK Chris
- Johnathan - LK Rihael ver 2
- William - LK Benjamin
- Soren - Akagi You Yue
- Cassian - LK Khal
- Mo - FL El
- Anthony - 4S Spring
- Charles - DoD Ivan
- Angus - MK Oscar
- *Iseul & *Haneul - DOD E-an & Tender E-an
- Aloysious - FL Chloe
- *Celéste - ED Bambu
- Cieran - FL Nanuri 2018
- *Njord - Luts Howl
- *Jude - LM Demetri
- Finish commission and get home that adorable DF-H Kelasi
- Finish Riku's wigs and accessories
- Make matching outfit for Matthew
- Sew a dress like that of Norman's for Liam in purple flowered fabric
- buy cotton ribbon for piping, more of the main fabric, plastic boning, lace trim and Swarovski montees
- Sew Jack's clothing
- Sew some proper clothing for Hiccup
- Sew highlander outfit for Jessica
- Generally sew more clothing for them all!
- Make more wigs
- Burlesque inspired outfit made entirely out of beads and montees
- Make Jack's staff
- Make a scythe for Pitch
- Make a box of sorts for Norman, Riku and Liam's (once it's sewn) dress
- Rose espalier for photo-shoot that can be folded an easily transported/stored away
- Make busts out of sculpey for floaties
Other dolls
- Ewan - OB Kay
- Tyler - OB Ares ver 2
- Claude - OB Miroku
- Chase - OB 21-03
- Edward - PN Head 2
- Outfits for all three who are currently missing proper clothing
Dolls that would be fun getting home
- Male Night Lolita/EvaDoll
- 50/55cm male Obitsu