Getting back to work, even though I was tired to the bone, I managed to finish it! Need to figure out a better way to secure the handle as hot glue just doesn't quite do it. At least I don't need it before April, so have time to have a look at it before then.
Was, perhaps, a bit on the lazy side when it came to the satin lining in the bottom part. Simply put it in place using needles, but thought if, by chance, it got dirty it would be easy to swap out or wash this way, plus, who'd really notice unless you were really looking?
Don't know if I should add straps so that one could carry it over ones shoulder and not be dependent on the handle alone, or if this wont really matter in the long run. Should? Shouldn't? My tired head can't decide.
Love how much of a Rozen Maiden vibe it has got, which wasn't even my intention to begin with. Sad part is he wont be springing to life, the little guy who's going to reside in this, when the time comes. Would be neat tho!
Hope you enjoyed and that it brought forth some inspiration! Thanks for looking!
Ended up adding a strap for over the shoulder carrying, and reinforced the handle as hot glue alone just didn't quite do it.