In all of my eager for sewing everything together I didn’t think of shooting pictures along the way really. Only ones I’ve got are these:

Of the upholstery having finished sewing it together

In the process of sewing the, lack of word for it, I call it the skirt onto the upholstery, all nice and blurry.

And the almost finished seating pillow, also nice and blurry.
Anyway, enough boringness, onto the fun ones!

Look at this beauty!

With pretty bows and plenty of comfy pillows

The buttons I chose not to glue onto the fabric and instead just have them tied with string. That will also allow me to take the upholstery off to wash it or sew a completely new one some day.
Anyway, that was it, hope you enjoyed and that I might have brought some inspiration to others. Do link me up if you decide to make something similar!
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