
Jacket - wip

Got a second mockup of the jacket made today that actually fit pretty well, only needs to be taken in a bit more in the sides, bigger holes for the sleeves, and need to add a bit more to the width of the bottom of the jacket.
First I wasn’t sure about adding the pleats, but that was before I could see how it would actually look. Going to bend the edge down as I find it looks too messy like this.
To hide the ribbon in the back I have a big bow, made from that flowery fabric, laying around that will cover it all up nicely.
This project is getting more and more exciting, damn!


Startup One Two

Elliptical Cage Crinoline One Two


Corset One Two Three


Main Skirt One Two


Decor One Two Three


The odd ramble in between

Wig One Two Three Four


Wedding Bouquet


BO: DikaDoll Pan NS