
Wedding Dress - Crinoline and corset WIP

So, just thought I'd give a small update of how things are going with the sewing and putting together and slowly having it look like something.

Got the piping sewn together and the steel wires put through them yesterday. Did start trying to put it together but that didn't go so well. Today I went at it again, got the hoops attached with a shitload of pins and attaching the waistband. Still need the little slip of fabric going at the top back of it (no idea what it's called even) and the small pillow, too. But this is it so far:

Also have the bag to sew between the bottom most three hoops, so plenty to be done before this is 100% finished and ready to be worn.

Also got a pattern down for a corset. Really simple to make, just wrap the torso in plastic wrap, then masking tape, then draw the various sections you want, cut it open slowly and carefully with sharp scissors, cut the parts out, transfer pattern to paper and there you have it. DoA's got plenty of tutorials showing the process I used here, so simple.

Need to see what I have of fabric for the lining, some satin preferably, and cut all the pieces out, put them all together with pins and have it ready to be sewn together. Can't entirely finish this piece as I need for some snap fastener clasps to arrive in the mail and they've only just been shipped. But I will sew as much of it as I can and work on a lace protector as well.

Next up: Crinoline and Corset WIP - Part 2


I should get sewing again

I did contemplate whether or not Riku should have a corset with his wedding dress, but the thought was dismissed until today. He will have a corset.
I want it to have two part boning in front so that you won't always have to unlace the back entirely to pull the arms and head through and lace the entire thing up again. I looked around and didn't really see anyone making such corsets really, well, Oasisdoll I saw one. But everywhere else it's a closed front. So what do you do when you can't really work in metal, as you'd wish to for the front boning, and can't exactly make the entire thing out of plastic? You buy some snap fastening clasps! Yes, you heard me right. I went on a hunt for clasps at eBay, searching for something of use when I stumbled across these:

Wicked awesome, and should be just small enough that it will be perfect for SD. (click on picture to be taken to its sales page on ebay if you should be interested in acquiring these yourself)

Going to use the same fabric as will be used for his dress and then I'll see if I have some satin or other for lining. Going to be using plastic for the boning from ice boxes as I saw a tutorial on DoA where that was being used and found it brilliant! Going to start out with making the pattern and cutting out some of the pieces along with figuring out how wide the boning are to be. Will be fun!

Also received his socks from CoolCat and they fit absolutely perfectly! They have just about the same pattern as the fabric of the dress, how lucky can you get?

And they are so very gorgeous! Definitely going to be buying more socks from there in the future along with a lot more kips at some point.

Going to finish up on the crinoline cage tomorrow as I have a feeling the white cotton is going to arrive here any moment now and I'd rather have the cronoline all done before then than having this half arsed thing laying around where it looks like I gave up just as it was about done. And then, well, think it'll get to be the corset before I sit down and work all too much on the petticoat. Then perhaps I can be lucky enough that most of the remaining 8 packages of bits and pieces needed for this project has arrived once I finish the corset and start up on the petticoat. You never know.


All good things come to those who wait

Because I'm thinking of making a clip on hair piece I am getting home a weft of heat resisting hair along with some most gorgeous hair pins. Can't really decide on how to put up the hair to have it flow nicely with his real hair, guess it's time to browse around on the old youtubes and get inspired a bit.

 Also needed to get some white cotton home as I found I had none left for the petticoat, not one as big as the one I'm currently making anyway, and why not get all caught up in the wondrous world of lace at the same time?

The first I'm thinking of using along with the ruffles on the main skirt, ruffle it up along with the fabric, and sew it onto the dress.
The second kind of lace with the little flowers and pearl is for the petticoat. I'm not sure how it will be incorporated yet, but I'll figure it out. Sure I could have simply kept the petticoat all white with some rows of ruffles, but why not pretty it up a bit even though it's a piece of garment not to be seen?

This rose lace will also be used on the petticoat, would stand out too much if it were to be used on the main dress as the fabric isn't with a print of roses but some other flower I don't really know what is to be honest. Also, it is quite wide, 5cm (2"), so yeah, definitely going on the petticoat.
The last piece of lace will go on the main skirt instead of some other lace I had intended. Some lace from the dress I took apart to remake into a grand Robe de Mariée a la Français. Found it looking too plain to go on the outside though that was the plan, now it will go to the petticoat and get incorporated in that one way or the other.

Also ordered up a bunch of kips and a pair of overknee socks for Riku, see if they fit him, if not I won't have to worry all too much as there's bound to be a pair of legs around here which would gladly crawl into them.

All there is to do for now is wait for all of this to arrive at my doorstep, already getting mighty impatient!


Weddin Dress - Undergarments

So, yesterday I finished sewing the pumpkin bloomers and the chemise. After getting him dressed up in it I couldn't but go sew a pair of removable sleeves to perfect the Baby Doll look. I took a quick little picture today as I don't have any proper light and it was quite dark when I could sit back and enjoy the sight.

I have yet to sew some socks but seen as I'm in no real hurry to have it finished right here right now, I'm going to buy a pair I've fallen hard for and see if they fit him

They'd go so very well with the flowery pattern of the dress. So why go with a pair of plain white ones when you can have those up there? A shame I don't have stretchy fabric with a pattern like that then I'd sew them myself.

Next up: Crinoline cage!


Wedding Dress

For the longest time I have had this dress laying around partially taken apart for the lace to be used for other purposes. Then not too long ago I got the idea to use the fabric for a dress. This time, not for the Queen who so loves dresses but another guy here who loves blue. Actually mostly because the fabric's got these blue flowers of sorts that it won't go to Liam. Anyway, this is the dress, the lucky victim of my crazy whims:

And just to clear things up, this is the lucky 'victim':

Fabrics and various decoration

I know there's a reference already in the picture of the dress, but for the record here's a few pictures of what I intend to use:

Ribbon sizes 1cm and 1,5cm 

To-do list; Parts of the dress

  • Simple chemise
  • Pumpkin bloomers with attachments for the socks, removeable
  • Thigh-high socks
  • Crinoline cage
  • Petticoat

  • One piece, zipper down the back

  • Bridal bouquet
  • Veil
  • Choker; rhinestone chain sewn onto satin ribbon
  • Flower wrist cuff 
  • Clip-on hair piece
  • Perhaps a pair of long gloves
  • Mary Jane shoes, made out of the same fabric as the dress decorated with ?
With the crinoline cage I've been looking around. Want something that would help support a train on the skirt part of the dress. Found a suitable crinoline and it's going to be looking something like this:

11 hoops in total where 4 are half hoops tied with ribbon to hold them in place.

The dress I had to think about long and hard what with the design. Didn't really know how to have it look, even looking around at various kinds of dresses I couldn't really decide on anything. Then out of nowhere the thought came to me to make a wedding dress inspired by the BtSSB Robe a La Francaise that Liam's wearing currently. And really, why not? 

Just imagine it; a giant wedding dress looking somewhat like that with a train, veil, and everything? What better idea could there be?

Last notes

If there's any scraps left of the fabric used for the dress I will either make a tuxedo jacket or a waistcoat for the groom. Perhaps it'll only be a waistcoat as I am sure most of the fabric will be going towards all those ruffles needing several meters just for the bottom of the dress alone. Also trying to decide whether or not to make a bow tie or if it should just be satin ribbon tied into a bow around the collar of the shirt. This is going to be some of the last things I'm going to sew so have plenty of time figuring out how to go about it.

I will update regularly as I start making/finish up on the various pieces of garments.

* * *



Liebster Award

I thank Nikki who were kind enough to give this award to me ♥

The rules:

- Thank the person who presented you the award and link back to their blog.
- Post the award image on your blog.
- Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter.
- Nominate 5-11 blogs with less than 200 followers.
- Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer.
- List these rules in your post.
- Inform the people you chose of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog and link them your post.

The questions Nikki made:

1. Have you become friends with anyone thanks to this hobby?

Yeah, though it's fairly recent, but this friendship seems to be of the lasting kind.

2. Which of your dolls do you resemble the most? Tell me about them?

I actually don't know. Someone once said to me that I reminded them of Riku, DOT H Ducan, but that's years here. So, can't say.
Personality wise, hmm, well, my personality is kinda split up among them all but I guess I see myself the most in Liam and Karim. Liam because of his dressing up in big frilly dresses and feminine looks and Karim because he is going through some of the same things as I am just with a different cultural and religious background.

3. Which dolly trend should just die already? Why?

I don't know, I don't involve myself that deeply to even want to follow trends or fads going on in the hobby, so whenever people whine about this or that should stop or is boring all I do is shrug and continue onwards. Everything has been done before, it will always resurface in either e new guise or as the same old. Who cares.

4. What company makes the best clothes in your opinion?

FreedomTeller, there's no doubt in my mind or heart. The quality absolutely blows me away and so what if I could have gotten an SD from Luts for the money spent on a full set of clothing along with shoes and jacket, it was worth every penny and then some! I would wish I had money to blow as I want to order just about everything from there.

5. What is the next doll on your wishlist?

Sorta Jack Frost, again, a DF-A Wen. Again as he did get home last year but then I fell over DF-A Wen and couldn't but see Jack Frost and DZ Joe didn't really cut it no more after that. Reason I say sorta is that I'm just about there, just don't have no credit card linked to my PP because I'm waiting for a new one, I'm waiting for someone to transfer some money to my account which I am them to transfer to my PP. and this is quite the rant already.
Else, hmm, think a DollLeaves Oscar, but not sure as this year I'll take a break and only be bringing home bodies for the remaining 3 floaties.

6. What is your favorite creative thing to do in this hobby?

Sewing, painting, making furniture, can't really say photography as I am slacking off lately, but I do love taking pictures as well.

7. Do you have a doll couple? Please share a bit about them?

There are several couples here. Riku and Matthew who're the proud fathers of Michel, Oliver and Gilbert. Liam and Bastian who might just end up getting engaged making Liam stepdad to Bastian's sons Lucas and Victor. Harry and Draco who got custody over Silas. Darren and Taffy ended up together after Taffy clinging to his senpai in his quest of making Darren be happy. Sasha and Dmitri who share forbidden love being twins. Nathaniel having a soft spot for Minoru and the affections being returned, budding love right there for you. Ayumu having a mad crush on Ayden and being too shy to confront the guy about it ending up as a couple because Ayden got enough of Ayumu's puppy eyes following him whenever he was near. 

8. Do you have anyone you really admire in this hobby?

I don't really have any specific people I could name, I've never had. But who I truly admire are the artists making these dolls, have all the respect in the world for them, they really are some amazing people. Doesn't matter if the sculpts aren't to my liking or not. Turning ordinary clay into miniaturized realistic looking little beings of resin, slaving over them for months, or even years, to bring people joy everywhere, anywhere in the world. Simply amazing.

9. How do you feel about mods on rare/limited heads?

Go for it? Your call really. 
I've done it myself on Nathaniel, LeekeWorld Eiden, sanding his lips, nose, opening his eyes a wee bit more and sanding his cheeks and chin some. Also Derek, AngellHeim Zion, don't know how rare he is, but still, the sculpt aren't made no more so I guess that counts? Anyway, sanded his nose down a bit as I didn't like how pointy it was. Oh, and DZ Joe, don't see many of him around and they don't make that sculpt no more either, sanded his lips a bit and cheeks as well. Recently dyed a SOOM TG Necy not giving a flying fuck how many or how few of that sculpt is out there. None of these guys are going anywhere anyway.
So yeah, people can do whatever.

10. What is the worst thing ever happen to you in this hobby?

I don't know, can't really think of anything I'd consider as being the 'worst thing ever happening' to me. I've not really run into much of any obstacles. The thing I can think of didn't really turn out to be the worst anyway as everything sorted itself out in the end. RingDoll was discontinuing their RingKid Dylan and I didn't know. I was so keen on getting him home I didn't know where to put myelf and it was like a blow to the gut when the dealer wrote back to me that they had refunded my payment. After pleading and talking back and forth RD agreed to cast one more of him just for me and I felt like the King of The World right there I tell you.
But yeah, there's really not anything considered to be the worst happening to me, perhaps the benefits of never involving one much in anything?

11. What is the best thing ever happen to you in this hobby?

First thing popping into my head is meeting Nikki and slowly but surely forming a great friendship. Hope that I'll meet more people like her in the future.
Finding this hobby, obviously, and staying. Watching my little resin family of two grow to little over half a hundred. Having my sewing skills upped a few nudges or five. Seeing possibilities in next to nothing, turning cardboard boxes into furniture, grabbing for little flower petals in one of those New Year table bombs because even when drunk off your ass you still keep your mind on the resin, resin on your mind.

My questions are as follows:

1. Have your tastes changed in sculpts over the years?
2. Do you have pre-made characters for the dolls that you get home which must fit a certain description, or, do you get them home and let inspiration hit?
3. What do you do when you get hooked on a particular sculpt and want it home right here, right now but can't as you have to save or some other reason?
4. How many dolls are too many to you personally?
5. What are your thoughts on dolls with already pre-existing characters from movies/books/cartoons/ect.?
6. Acrylic, glass or urethane? And why?
7. How much does yellowing bother you? What is acceptable before you want something done to liven up that old yellow resin skin?
8. What are your thoughts on anthro BJDs vs actual animal BJDs?
9. How small is too small? How tall is too tall? Or does hight even matter to you?
10. Do you talk with your resin buddies while painting them, dressing them, just because?
11. Do you have a doll you love but will probably never have because finances or impossible to get?

I tag:

I don't really know no one else -shrug-

BO: DikaDoll Pan NS